Anti-bullying week

What's it all about?

The anti-bullying alliance has said the following:

What's it all about?

The anti-bullying alliance has said the following:

If you’ve seen bullying
or ‘banter’ that has
gone too far, how have
you reacted? Were you
able to help?

take into account

Take a few minutes to
reflect on what respect
means to you.

How do you show
respect to yourself and

try this

Click here
for more

Check out this playlist while you read!

"Be who you are and say what you
feel because those who mind
don't matter and those who
matter don't mind” - Dr Seuss

Anti-bullying week is Monday
11th - Friday 15th November
with the theme ‘Choose

think on this

thrive newsletter

If you're being bullied the anti-bullying alliance recommends these 6 tips.

By speaking up and making noise we can help others that are being bullied! Research shows that when we intervene, the bullying will stop within 10 seconds 57% of the time.

It's not always that easy to help when
you see someone else being bullied!
The Bystander Effect is a social
phenomenon which shows we are less
likely to help someone when others are

Remember never to put yourself in
danger and be an upstander in a
positive way.

Check out this
video created by
The Anti-Bullying
Alliance "Choose
Respect" in
partnership with
young people
from schools in

i'm being bullied.. why do i feel like this?

You are not alone. Lots of celebrities have talked about being bullied in the past including Zayn Malik, Lorde, Selena Gomez, Jesy Nelson, and Olly Alexander.

In this short clip Lady Gaga talks about being bullied and how it made her feel.

If you're being bullied the anti-bullying alliance recommends these 6 tips.

i’m not being bullied...
what can i do?

The bystander effect

Odd socks day!

Tuesday 12th Nov

All you need to do is
wear odd socks! It's a
great way to celebrate
what makes us all
unique in Anti-Bullying

“how wonderful is it that no
one has to wait, but can start
right now to gradually change
the world.”

Anne frank

Where to get help

How can adults help?

As school staff, parents and carers, our young
people’s safety and happiness are at the
forefront of our minds. It’s normal to worry
about bullying, especially if we have
experienced this in the past.

Click here for a tool for
parents and carers from the
Anti-Bullying Alliance

Click here for a tool for
parents and carers from the
Anti-Bullying Alliance

Marcus Rashford was
revealed as the top role
model for young people in a
recent survey. Click here to
read more about him and
other kindness role models!

Marcus Rashford was
revealed as the top role
model for young people in a
recent survey. Click here to
read more about him and
other kindness role models!

Have a go …..

It can be scary to speak out, especially when we’re unsure what the outcome will be. We tend to think of the worst case scenario, which can make the fear we are feeling much worse.

have a go!

Think of someone in your life - either a friend, a family member or even a celebrity that you look up to as they are kind and caring. How do you imagine they would respond if they see bullying? If you see someone being unkind, imagine what your role model would do to help you know how to act.

The National Bullying Helpline:
0300 323 0169 or 0845 22 55 787